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This male-only “man camp” is the most unintentionally homoerotic thing we’ve ever seen…


https://t.co/vMCrLdH7eoThe opening scene of the video features a shirtless hunk biting into a juicy piece of meat, right off the bone.

Then the camera shifts to five shirtless dudes who are flexing outside. “No women!” declares the manly sounding narrator. “This place banned everything that is not making men grow…” Except homoerotic imagery, that is!

Subscribe to our newsletter for a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.“Could you survive in this camp for 30 days?” posted one of those weird “Manosphere” accounts called “AlphaFox.” We’re not sure, but we can think of plenty of guys who would happily accept the challenge!Stop shaming men for manly activities.

Not everything should be sexual. That being sad, I am gay and somehow this is fa…gayer.pic.twitter.com/Mx8N2wc19qThe camp in question is Ball Time Chamber, a male-only retreat located on a “secluded mountaintop” in Bali.

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