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LGBTQ Group Endorses Straight Democrat Over Gay Republican

same-sex marriage and protections for gay and lesbian individuals from discrimination. He is also pro-choice and recently praised the U.S.

Supreme Court’s decision allowing access to mifepristone, a widely available abortion pill.However, he previously said that he supported the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v.

Wade and placed the issue of abortion access in the hands of state regulators. It’s unclear where Bashaw stands on other LGBTQ-related issues — and his presence in the race raised questions about whether an LGBTQ person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, alone, makes them worthy of a political endorsement.“While Curtis Bashaw’s potential election to the U.S.

Senate would indeed be historic, after careful review of his responses to our questionnaire, it is clear that his positions do not meet our criteria for being a true pro-equality candidate,” Jeannine Frisby LaRue, the chair of Garden State Equality Action Fund, said in a statement.“As a woman of color who has broken barriers in my own career, I understand the importance of representation.

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