state Kansas: Last News


Donald Trump-Appointed Judge Hands Joe Biden a Legal Blow in Texas

Donald Trump in 2017, wrote that the rule went against gender discrimination laws by placing transgender females in women's spaces.Thursday's ruling came on the same day that the Republican-led House of Representatives passed a measure to kill the same federal rule.The controversy involves the federal civil rights legislation, Title IX, which was introduced in 1972 to end discrimination against women in education.The Biden administration introduced a "final rule for Title IX," due to come into effect on August 1, which extends those protections to end "sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics."Texas became the 15th state to place a temporary injunction on the final rule when Kacsmaryk issued Thursday's denunciation.The other 14 states with temporary injunctions are: Alaska, Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.Kacsmaryk agreed with the state of Texas, which sought a temporary injunction until a full ruling could be delivered."Pending final resolution of this case, Defendants are hereby ENJOINED from implementing, enacting, enforcing, or taking any action in any manner to enforce the Final Rule," he wrote."The Final Rule inverts the text, history, and tradition of Title IX: the statute protects women in spaces historically reserved to men; the Final Rule inserts men into spaces reserved to women."He wrote that the Department of Education "now upends a half-century of reliance interests through its newest regulation.""The Final Rule reads sexual orientation and gender identity into Title IX's antidiscrimination principle in violation of that statute," he added.He also said that Texas law recognizes that separate spaces are needed for women."Texas law protects sex separation in K–12 and higher education athletic programs.""Political subdivisions extend this biological-sex mandate into intimate facilities.

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