state North Dakota: Last News

After screaming antigay slurs at cops during his DUI arrest, this guilty lawmaker still refuses to resign

Subscribe to our daily newsletter for a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.It was truly vile behavior for anyone, made even worse by the fact that Rios is an elected official whose salary and benefits are funded by taxpayers.NEW VIDEO: ND State Rep. Nico Rios (R) unleased a racist and homophobic rant at police during his DUI arrest, calling an officer a "f–king f–got," ranting about migrants destroying England, and threatening to call the Attorney General.

Video first released by @bistrib. was charged with misdemeanor counts of drunk driving and refusing to provide a chemical test.After pleading guilty to the drunk driving charge earlier this month, he was just handed down his punishment by a judge: nearly one year of unsupervised probation plus a $1,000 fine. He also received a 10-day suspended jail sentence and a $50 fine for having an open container and had his driving privileges are revoked for 91 days.The misdemeanor charge of refusing to provide a chemical test was dismissed.

While that may seem like a slap on the wrist, criminal defense attorney Mark Friese told the AP the sentence is more of less consistent with what others receive for similar offenses.“It does not appear that he was treated more harshly than other people in similar situations,” he said. “My guess is that the judge recognizes … there are multiple entities here that are going to hold Mr.

Rios to account.” Among those entities are his colleagues in the North Dakota House of Representatives, who, along with several other state and local Republican Party officials, have made it clear they want Rios outta there. In a Facebook post at the end of last month, the North Dakota District 23 GOP Executive Committee said it had “lost confidence” in Rios’ ability to represent voters’ best interests and called on him to step down.“The language and slurs that Rep.

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