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Millennial Explains Why She Ended Marriage After Just Four Months

married and divorced within a year, during which she discovered she was gay after four months. Sian Howells (@sian.samantha), 31, a yoga teacher, shared her experience on TikTok, amassing 69,200 views and 1,767 likes.After watching the series Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday, where pairs of families from different financial backgrounds swap vacation experiences, Howells and her ex-partner decided to apply on a whim.She told Newsweek: "A week later we were being flown to Hvar, Croatia.

We were filmed for five days and went on a luxury boat ride to watch the sunset which was insane, had €250 sushi, I had a bloody awful makeover and we had to party with the super rich (I had to take my makeover makeup off as I looked like one off those dolls nana's kept)."Riding high after the show, the couple impulsively decided to get married six weeks later, after five years together.

They had a small, low-key ceremony at a registry office with their closest family, followed by a party in a local pub.In the video, Howells explained that the wedding was an incredibly boozy affair.

She admitted to walking down the aisle after drinking two and a half bottles of prosecco, a decision she now recognizes as a warning sign.However, doubts began to creep in soon after."I'd say it was getting married that made me start questioning my sexuality.

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