had an outburst in the courtroom, Kim Kardashian pissed off a lot of people, and gay men named their first adult film crushes.
Here’s what happened on Instagram:Matthew Camp practiced his knots. A post shared by Matthew Camp (@matthewcamp)Austin Armacost went to a nude beach. A post shared by Austin Armacost (@austinarmacost)Ashley Parker Angel took a shower. A post shared by Ashley Parker Angel (@ashley_parker_angel)Lokies Khan watered his plant. A post shared by Lokies (@lokieskhan)Miles McMillan thought it over. A post shared by Miles McMillan (@milesmcmillan)Billy Reilich saved a horse. A post shared by Billy Reilich (@billreilich)Cheyenne Parker rinsed in the rain. A post shared by ™ (@thecheyenneparker)Ryan Cleary let the sun in. A post shared by Ryan Cleary (@theryancleary)Joel Green showed some thigh. A post shared by Joel Wieneke (@green.joel)Pietro Boselli looked outside. A post shared by Pietro Boselli (@pietroboselli)Hugh Jackman took a polar plunge. A post shared by @thehughjackmanMax Whitlock dusted his hands. A post shared by Max Whitlock OBE (@maxwhitlock)Sterling Walker packed a bag. A post shared by Sterling Walker (@sterlingdwalker)Conor McGregor went for a bike ride. A post shared by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma)Keegan Whicker sat in bed. A post shared by Keegan Whicker (@klwhick)Anthony Bowens took a hike. A post shared by Anthony Bowens (@bowens_official)Max Emerson pet a pelican. A post shared by Max Emerson (@maxisms)Matt Lister dried his beard. A post shared by @mrmattlisterLaith Ashley glistened. A post shared by Laith Ashley De La Cruz (@laith_ashley)And Marlon Teixeira showered outside,. A post shared by Marlon Teixeira (@marlontx)