A pro-LGBTQ+ political action committee launched an advertisement campaign in Pennsylvania today to encourage voters to support Democratic candidates on November 8. Agenda PAC announced that it had launched a six-figure digital ad campaign to highlight the urgency and importance of this election for equality, choice, and democracy, according to a press release.With less than two weeks left until Election Day, the ad buy targets Pennsylvania voters who have indicated a high level of interest in equality and a post-Roe v.
Wade future. According to Agenda PAC, the goal is to turn those people into voters who cast a ballot. The group is aiming its focus on young people in the counties surrounding Philadelphia by targeting them on Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. “Every single vote counts, and at Agenda PAC, we have set out to reach every single reachable voter where they are,” Rep.
Malcolm Kenyatta, chair of Agenda PAC, tells The Advocate. “We are being hyper-targeted and smart in finding the voters with pro-equality [mindsets] but who are on the fence about turning out.”He says his organization is “ringing the alarm about what’s at stake for our democracy” and making clear to anyone who will listen that this election is of utmost existential importance.“The ad’s name is ‘Siren,’ and we are blaring that siren,” Kenyatta says.
“Fascism is on the rise. The bigoted and homophobic candidates running for office are the same candidates who embrace fascism and embrace anti-democratic views of the world that we’re seeing finding a home in the Republican party, and so we are going to be targeting these voters to turn out.” Kenyatta added that Republican candidates in the state are "out of touch."“Siren” will run through Election
Malcolm Kenyatta