Rachael Ray‘s latest confession marinate. The cooking guru, 56, recently recalled a miscommunication with her and her now-husband John Cusimano, 57, in 2001.“The first time I saw my husband, I thought he was gay and I tried to set him up on a date with a male friend of mine,” Ray said in a preview clip from the Tuesday episode of Tommy DiDario’s “I’ve Never Said This Before” podcast, per Us Weekly. “And he said, ‘But I am not gay.'”That led the “Rachael Ray Show” host to cook up a different plan in her head.“Then I was like, ‘Check, please’ and I couldn’t wait to get him in the sack,” revealed the businesswoman. “It was [a memorable evening] and he is a very blessed man.”During the podcast, Ray went into further details about her sex life with the lawyer. “I had to buy two different sized suits for our wedding from Prada because his jacket was one size and his trouser was another,” the TV personality teased. “I certainly am — I am a very lucky lady.”Ray and Cusimano tied the knot in 2005 and renewed their vows in 2015 at the same castle in Tuscany where they exchanged vows the first time around. “We balance each other, we always have,” Ray gushed to People in 2022. “We knew we’d get through this together.”But the pair has also had their ups and downs, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic.“John and I have always worked together, but in separate buildings.
John focuses on the business dealings and all of the different facets of our brand while I make TV shows in the studio all day,” Ray told Us in 2020.