Have an event coming up? Email your information to Managing Editor Tammye Nash at nash@dallasvoice.com or Senior Staff Writer David Taffet at taffet@dallasvoice.com by Wednesday at 5 p.m.
for that week’s issue. The Gay Agenda is now color-coded: Red for community events; blue for arts and entertainment; purple for sports; green for nightlife and orange for civic events and holidays. • Every Monday: THRIVE Resource Center’s THRIVE Support Group for people 50 and older meets virtually from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
led by a SMU Intern from their counseling program. A secure Zoom Room opens at 11:30 a.m. for people to join and chat. Email THRIVE@myresourcecenter.org to request the link. • Weekly: Frontrunners Meet in Lee Park where the old statue