He said that in the wake of “bi erasure”, he has encountered a lot of people who don’t think liking men and women at once is possible.He said he has had to convince people otherwise, including peers and his own mum.The star added that a lot of his friends have accused him of feigning bisexuality as it is “trendy”.“I’ve had people say to me, ‘Oh, you’re just saying you’re bisexual because it’s trendy.’“I’m, like, ‘No, my sexuality is not a bloody trend!’” he exclaimed.He then continued, saying that his mum misunderstood the concept of bisexuality.“My mum was, like, ‘You can’t be.
You like girls,’” he said.“I said, ‘Er… yes, that’s what bisexual is.’“She said, ‘Isn’t bi just gay people before they know they’re gay?