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Big gay weekend

Pride in September gets into full swing This weekend is so packed with Pride, you’re gonna need a plan. So get hydrated. Find comfy shoes that go well with your rainbow ensemble.

And fill your calendar with all the queer-tastic events happening this Pride in Dallas weekend. Friday • Impulse Group ( brings back its Down to Float 6: Neon Cowboy pool party at Lee Harvey’s Dive In at 7 p.m., followed by … • Impulse’s afterhours party at 11 p.m.

over at JR.’s Bar and Grill. Saturday •Texas Latino Pride ( celebrates 10 years with its community festival from 3-9 p.m at Reverchon Park, featuring music, vendors and more. • The DFW Sisters present Glittering Hope: A Drag Spectacular benefiting Dallas Hope Charities at 7 p.m.

in the Rose Room. Sunday • The Pride in Dallas ( parade route on Cedar Springs Road runs from Wycliff Ave.

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