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Kristi Noem’s own audiobook recording comes back to haunt her

Donald Trump’s Vice President pick, despite the controversy surrounding her book.First, there was the passage in which she talks about shooting her 14-month-old puppy, Cricket, in the head. She said she “hated” the dog and it was untrainable and aggressive.Then it emerged that the book includes a claim she met North Korea’s Kim Jung Un.

Noem said that Un, looking into her eyes, knew she was not someone to be messed around with.Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!The only problem with this is there’s no record of Noem ever meeting the North Korean dictator.She and her publisher have all now confirmed the passage is being yanked from future editions. Noem says it was a “mistake” to include it.When questioned in interviews, she refuses to admit the meeting didn’t take place.

She merely says it was a mistake to include it and she pulled it when that part was brought to her attention.However, on Monday, reporter Elizabeth Vargas pulled the rug from under Noem when she challenged her on the whole “when it was brought to my attention” claim. Vargas reminded Noem that she had narrated the audiobook version of the memoir.


Donald Trump Kristi Noem

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What Does Project 2025 Mean for the LGBTQ+ Community?
LGBTQ+ community during Donald Trump's second term, if he is reelected in November.The 900-page document, produced by the Conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, was designed as a road map for a conversative president. It proposes an overhaul of the federal government and includes a plan to fire government workers.Experts have highlighted a wide range of policies in the project that would affect LGBTQ+ individuals.Trump has attempted to distance himself from the project, writing on social media in July, "I know nothing about Project 2025." Earlier this month, he repeated his statement on Lex Fridman's podcast, adding that he "purposefully" hadn't read it.A spokesperson for Project 2025 did not respond to a request for comment for this article.If implemented, Project 2025 would dismantle antidiscrimination protections by removing terms such as "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" from federal laws, allowing for legal discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals.It also seeks to restrict the Supreme Court's decision in Bostock vs. Clayton County, which extended workplace protections to LGBTQ+ employees.The plan further seeks to block access to health care for transgender individuals, particularly through Medicare and Medicaid, and it would reinstate the ban on transgender people serving in the military.
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