ABOVE: I've got his back. BELOW: Keep reading for Ripp Baker, the Trump family COVID-19 super spreaders, Pelosi's 25th Amendment mind-fuck and more ...
Get a Ripp (Image by Jim Jordan for Boys) KENNETH IN THE (212): The weekly round-up of gay mags. CNN: Notre Dame's John Jenkins attended Amy Coney Barrett's #RoseGardenMassacre and got COVID-19 for his trouble Now, he may also get a pink slip.
TWITTER: Eric Trump got all huggy with random people in North Carolina at a campaign event, because COVID-19 is now easily fixable for the masses!
And Don Jr. did the same thing in Florida, packing 'em in (indoors and out) at events meant to prove that science is an opinion: TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: The COVID-19 treatment Trump is raving about, that he says