ABOVE: I'm torn on TikTok. On the one hand, I think the world could use frivolity, and I'm all for anyone who's able to make a buck doing very little.
On the other hand, I'm usually vaguely embarrassed watching people dance around for no reason, with no wit or insight. The above guy, at the very least, has the good light.
BELOW: Naked reality star, Carrey's problematic Biden, gay right-winger giving cover to Trump at the CDC and more ... Zac attack! (Image via video still) OMG.BLOG! (WORK UNFRIENDLY): Dunno who he is, but he is naked.
Biden's impersonation is off, and inconsistent — even within each performance. (Image by Will Heath/NBC) VANITY FAIR: Jim Carrey flat out sucks as Joe Biden on SNL.