Willie Garson state Massachusets Sex and the City Star Willie Garson state Massachusets

‘AJLT’ star Mario Cantone: Johnny Carson canceled me for being gay

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Allison Kugel on her podcast “Allison Interviews.”“I was booked on [‘The Tonight Show’ with] Johnny Carson in October of 1986 by the show’s talent coordinator,” the “Sex and the City” star began. “When he saw me, he said, ‘Oh my God, you’re amazing!

We are going to shape six minutes for you.’ Then he looked at the video again, because he filmed it that night, and he said, ‘You know what?

Your comedy has a gay edge to it and I think it’s going to make Johnny nervous, so I’m going to cancel you,’ ” Cantone continued.

Elsewhere in the interview, the Massachusetts native also discussed the loss of his onscreen husband and pal, Willie Garson.

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