Lightyear.The animated film, about Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear, features a brief same-sex kiss between two female characters.
The segment was reportedly removed by Pixars’s parent company, Disney, but later reinstated after the company faced backlash for not speaking up soon enough against Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.The movie will hit theaters worldwide this week, although it’s been barred in at least 14 countries, including the United Arab Emirates and Saudia Arabia, because of the same-sex kiss.Related: “As a gay man, I…”: Did extreme right-wing troll Ben Shapiro just come out on Twitter?On Monday, Shapiro tweeted, “Disney works to push a ‘not-at-all-secret gay agenda’ and seeks to add ‘queerness’ to its programming, according to executive producer Latoya Raveneau.
Parents should keep that in mind before deciding whether to take their kids to see ‘Lightyear,’ which hits theaters this week.”He continued in a second tweet, “Children are not adults.
What may be appropriate for adults is not appropriate for children. That this must be said demonstrates that our society is in a state of moral collapse.”Children are not adults.