Okay, so, what is even happening these days?As a single gay man, I thought dating was hard enough once dating apps killed the romance.
Then Miss Rona decided to take a world tour and push everyone into isolation with six-foot distances in place. Her little aftershocks of Omicron and Delta weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms, either.
Now with monkeypox, or MPV, spreading around the globe, being single is becoming a harder and harder obstacle to overcome.Look, even being 6’ 6” and constantly compared to Tom Ellis from Lucifer doesn’t make for an easy run these days.Outside of trying to find love, gay men in general also have so many stigmas against them, especially in regard to their sexual proclivities.
The current monkeypox epidemic has resurfaced a homophobic opinion that we faced during the HIV/AIDS crisis in the ’80s: that it’s all our fault.