(L-R:) Belmont Cameli, Andrew Garfield & Jazz Jennings (Images by Getty for GLAAD) ABOVE: Full list of GLAAD winners here.
BELOW: Keep reading for how teachers will work around Don't Say Gay, two sad RIPs and more... YAHOO! NEWS: How some teachers are going to thwart Don't Say Gay.
JOE.MY.GOD.: Trump called “fucking crazy” by Republican governor. USA TODAY: A Republican congresswoman falsely asserted that bin Laden was caught by Trump — and nobody corrected her.
They just cheered. WORD GENIUS: Reminder that “they” is absolutely used as a singular pronoun. GR8ERDAYS: Two redheaded TV wisecrackers resting in peace this week — Barrie Youngfellow of the '80s guilty pleasure It's/Making a Living and the inimitable Estelle Harris of Seinfeld. “Too bad you can't do that for a living.” (GIF via GIPHY) INSTAGRAM: Doris Day would've been 100 today.