ABOVE: Face man. Random bonus shot of a '70s play that I regret I missed. (Image by Herbert Fogelson) BELOW: Keep reading for The Kidd Creole's shocking conviction, even many Democrats are pro-Don't Say Gay, RIP Rae Allen...
NYND: In a case where the prosecutors believe the motive was a homophobic overreaction to a greeting, '80s hip hop legend The Kidd Creole has been convicted of manslaughter in NYC.
He faces up to 25 years in prison. The details are insane — he was approached by a homeless man who asked, “What's up?” and responded by removing a concealed kitchen knife from his sleeve and stabbing him twice.
The homeless man took a final swig of beer, passed out and died in a hospital. YAHOO! NEWS: We're fucked. Only a bare majority of Democrats polled are against Don't Say Gay.