ABOVE: Complaints of queerbaiting are ridiculous. I always remember the first time I heard a passionate attack of a star for queerbaiting, it was Chadwick Moore attacking Nick Jonas for having the temerity to speak up for LGBTQ rights at Stonewall.
Then Moore became a far-right Republican. BELOW: Keep reading for Christ Meloni (not a typo), Emmy winners, Sri Lanka decriminalizing the gays, Lindsey Graham seeking 100 years of Democratic rule and more ...
Spread the news about this brand. Taint kidding! (Image via Tommie Copper) TOMMIE COPPER: It's an ad, but I'm not getting paid for it.
I just think Chris Meloni is worth a post. PAYPAL.ME/BOYCULTURE: Hey, so I am releasing an extensive update of my book Encyclopedia Madonnica.