city Mexico: Last News

Woman Assaults Hugging Gay Couple With Holy Water

A gay couple in Mexico were sitting near a church when a woman accosted them, spraying “holy” water on the pair while berating them verbally. The ordeal was caught on video by one of the men and has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times online.Leonardo Hernandez and his partner were hugging near a church in Toluca — which is located around 50 miles west of Mexico City — when a woman accused them of tainting children with immorality, NBC News reports.“Get out right now! I’m going to call the police,” she yelled as she sprayed the couple and made the sign of the cross. The confrontation has been viewed about 400,000 times on TikTok since the video was posted over the weekend.After the woman sprays them with the water, she pulls out a cell phone and says she's calling the police.Incredibly animated, the woman asserts that the couple was trespassing on the church’s private property. “They are not from here,” she tells the person on the other end of the line, who Hernandez told NBC News was an officer.

“They come from other depraved countries to teach immorality to the youth here.”At one point, Hernandez speaks to the officer insisting the two were just hugging and not doing anything wrong. He added that the couple had been respectful of the woman despite her efforts to try to “run us out of here,” the outlet reports.The officer tells Hernandez that he explained to the woman that she was discriminating against them but asked for the couple to leave to avoid further conflict.

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