The recall of San Francisco school board President Gabriela López and Commissioners Faauuga Moliga and Alison Collins united the entire city in demanding competent leaders for our children, and it would not have happened without the LGBTQIA community.
LGBTQ parents played a prominent role in the campaign because we know protecting our civil rights begins at school.Here are the stories of some of the key players from our community.For myself, I have lived in SF for 37 years with my husband, Luis Tamayo.
We live in Bernal Heights with our 10-year-old son, Lucas.In February 2020 Lucas screamed, "I hate you for making me go to Zoom school!" That day I went to my first school board meeting to learn about the reopening plans.
Instead, I heard them debating whether to rename Abraham Lincoln High School, while having no plan to reopen his school.I created the Gaybraham Lincoln persona to show LGBTQ community support for the recall in a very visual way, and to lambaste the total absurdity of this situation.