Gay Couple Assaulted by Gang of Teens in Milan
L’Unione Sarda.The couple, Ivano and Alfredo, were walking in Milan’s Barona neighborhood on December 21 when five youths accosted them for holding hands while walking home just before midnight.The youths shouted anti-gay insults at the couple, including “You are against God and nature.”Ivano, a 45-year-old nurse, later wrote on social media, “My partner and I were attacked because of homophobia … I got punched in the head.”Luca Paladini, regional councilor of Lombardy for Patto Civico and a friend of the couple, recounted the ordeal on social media, claiming that Ivano was admitted to the San Paolo hospital after the attack “due to a punch he received, which contributed to a worrying rise in blood pressure.” He was eventually released and allowed to go home.“Ivano will file a [police] complaint against unknown people,” Paladini wrote. “We must denounce an increasingly violent and discriminatory climate against people from the LGBT community.