Book chronicles a trans man’s journey from ‘natural mother’ to father of the child TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER | Bookworm Sez The Natural Mother of the Child: A Memoir of Nonbinary Parenthood by Krys Malcolm Belc; c.2021, Counterpoint Press; $26; 304 pages. It’s really very common.
Giving birth is so common, actually, that it happens nearly 11 thousand times a day in the U.S. — which means that it’s really not much of a big deal, unless it’s your baby.
In that case, it’s a one-of-a-kind miracle, and, in the new book The Natural Mother of the Child by Krys Malcolm Belc, it’s an answer — and a whole lot more questions.
They had wanted their children to be close in age. That was the plan — Irish Twins, they called them — but when Krys Belc went to