U.K. received a homophobic pushback after publishing a video on TikTok in recognition of February’s LGBTQ+ History Month early last month.
In response to the trolls, the department made a second one mocking the anti-LGBTQ+ comments.In the second video, firefighters from the department read out the trolls’ comments totally deadpan while wearing rainbow attire, standing in front of Pride flags, or with rainbow flags waving behind them.As a fire brigade helps a stuffed cat out of a tree, one department employee says, “Let’s see pictures of firefighters doing their job.”He passes along the toy to another employee who says, “And keep political correctness out of it.”<iframe loading="lazy" src="https://www.tiktok.com/embed/7067800427516939526 allow=" accelerometer;="" autoplay;="" encrypted-media;="" gyroscope;="" picture-in-picture"="" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" width="340" height="700" frameborder="0">The video also features a firefighter standing in front of a Pride flag flying on a flagpole in front of a station.
She says, “It becomes political correctness when they post a pointless rainbow picture.”In another scene, another employee says, “More box-ticking,” while checking a box next to “LGBT+ Pride.” Also checked are “saving lives,” “fitting smoke alarms,” and “visiting schools.”Midway through the viral video, the station writes, “We celebrate LGBT+ pride in solidarity with all those we serve and employ.”One muscular employee sits at a desk, with rainbow flags waving behind him, as he says to the camera, “I don’t know why you feel the need to celebrate,” while confetti bursts over him.