ABOVE: Legend. BELOW: Keep reading for the gay valedictorian who used his hair to make a point, Gervais joining the anti-trans brigade, Dorothy's dress and more ...
It's not the heat, it's the humidity. (Image via Twitter) NBC NEWS: Valedictorian Zander Moricz was told not to say gay (yes, he's in Florida) in his grad speech.
So he subbed “curly hair.” This is 2022: THE ATLANTIC: When being gay was the gravest sin in D.C. James Kirchick's history of Bob Waldron is a must-read as we careen backwards daily on LGBTQ rights.
VARIETY: Jumping on some insane bandwagon we don't need, Ricky Gervais has loaded his latest comedy special with — SURPRISE! — ugly trans jokes about dicks and trans women raping other women in public toilets.