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Here Are All The Best Books Releasing December 2022

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Roses, in the Mouth of a Lion is at its core about the relationships between Razia and others and her relationship with herself — from a childhood friendship that collapses due to a family rift, to a new friendship filled with tiny rebellions.

Her acceptance at Stuyvesant changes things even further, transporting the image of future Razia that her parents wanted even farther away from the school as the true Razia discovers new feelings toward a girl named Angela.

And when that itself is discovered by an Aunty in their community, Razia will have to determine what she's truly willing to risk. —Rachel StrolleThe Light Pirate is a devastatingly beautiful yet heavy story that pictures a dystopian American in the midst of climate change disaster.

Wanda, born during a detrimental hurricane in Rudder, Florida, lives with her brother and father in what remains of the state.

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