“I am heartbroken by the passing of my friend and mentor Cecile Richards,” said HRC President Kelley Robinson. Robinson called Richards “a giant in the fight for freedom — an unwavering advocate for reproductive, workers’ and civil rights.” Richards, daughter of former Texas Gov.
Ann Richards, died on Monday, Jan. 20, at the age of 67 from brain cancer. She headed Planned Parenthood for 12 years and founded the Texas Freedom Network.
Among other things TFN advocates for LGBTQ rights. TFN came into being in 1995 after Richards attended a Texas State Board of Education meeting where the religious right’s growing influence on public education shocked the progressive leader, according to a statement from TFN. “During the meeting, Cecile slid a napkin over to a friend with a note that said, ‘It’s worse than I ever imagined,’” TFN wrote. “One month later, TFN was formed.
In the 30 years since we’ve become an organizing home to thousands of grassroots activists across our state.” Richards got her start in political organizing early in life.