really doing this? Again?!?!You can no longer access the constitution on the White House website.[image or embed]The answer for some outraged internet denizens appears to be “yes.” Nearly a decade into the Tr*mp era, the most hyperbolic among us still don’t seem to have learned their lesson.
They continue to cry wolf into the digital wind, freaking out over technological glitches and 404 errors. The Constitution is now gone from the White House web page.
You will only see a 404 error message. They are about to rip this country apart.[image or embed]Oh.Donald Trump took the Constitution webpage off of the White House's website.This comes after Donald didn't put his hand on the Bible to take the oath that he'd defend the Constitution.Vile man. US Constitution has been removed from the White House website. US Constitution is no longer on the White House website this is not fake this is serious took the constitution off the white house website.