Love Is Not Abuse, was difficult to do but pivotal to my recovery from domestic violence. I hope it will inspire others to become more aware of domestic violence issues in the LGBTQ+ community and join me in doing something about it.Statistics tell the story in LGBTQ+ relationships and show that domestic violence is more common for us than those in heterosexual relationships.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, here are the facts:● 45 percent of victims do not report the violence they experience to police because they believe it will not help them.● Fewer than 5 percent of LGBTQ+ domestic violence victims ever seek protective orders from a court.● 43.8 percent of lesbians and 61.1 percent of bisexual women are raped, the recipient of physical violence, and/or stalked by a partner at some point; this is true of only 35 percent of heterosexual women.Anyone can be at risk for domestic violence, but there are specific groups of LGBTQ+ people who are at the most vulnerable for intimate partner violence, including trans, Black, and bisexual people and individuals who do not have the means to support themselves.Getting out of abusive relationships is tricky for LGBTQ+ people.
Our legal system is still not perfect, as homophobia and transphobia still play a role in the legal workings of many states.
So domestic violence victims may encounter prejudice from police or authority figures when they report abuse. Unfortunately, this can still occur even if the laws in their state provide equal protection for LGBTQ+ relationships.