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Kamala Harris blasts “Don’t Say Gay” laws in new interview as queer support for her campaign soars

Kamala Harris is worried about LGBTQ+ Americans, especially under another Trump administration.The Democratic presidential nominee voiced her concern for queer and other minority Americans’ safety above her own in a recent interview with the National Association of Black Journalists.In response to a question about her faith in the Secret Service after a recent assassination attempt on Trump, the 59-year-old admitted that while she feels safe, “there are far too many people in our country right now” who do not.Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!“I mean, I look at Project 2025 and … the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ laws coming out of Florida,” she explained. “Members of the LGBTQ+ community don’t feel safe right now.

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06.07 / 16:43
Life Trans HER Bette Midler denies her tweet was transphobic
tweeted, “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators’, and even “people with vaginas”! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”That tweet prompted tens of thousands of replies. Many said Midler was falling for anti-trans arguments about the erasure of women. Others highlighted the importance of using language that’s more inclusive of trans and non-binary people.Related: Bette Midler criticizes trans-friendly terms such as “birthing people”Yesterday, reacting to the furor, Midler tried to put her comments in a greater context.