Reddit's popular "Am I The A**hole" forum where it received more than 25,000 upvotes and 2,500 comments. The post can be found here.According to the Family Equality Council, about 3.8 million children under 18 have an LGBTQ parent, and an estimated 200,000 are raised by a same-sex couple.In the post titled "AITA for 'weaponizing my femininity' by crying since the teacher wouldn't stop another student harassing me ?" the student, 15, explained that last year–9 years after her mom's death–her dad started seeing another man who now lives with them."I'm not ashamed of my family so I never hid it," the post read. "I'm not really popular at school so I just really told my friends and it was all good."That was up until two months ago, when a fellow student named Duncan, 15, found out about her dads."Duncan started simple with jokes like 'wow which one of them is the mom?'" the post read.She said she promptly told her teacher, Mr.
Smith, about Duncan's comments, but the teacher said that "he's just trying to understand."The teen said Duncan's comments soon escalated, with him making comments such as "enjoy your time here, it'll get worse when your sinner family goes to hell."Again, she went to Mr.
Smith about the comment, but he told the student that she "can't be prejudiced with his religion, it's wrong in the Bible," and once again defended Duncan because "he's just trying to understand."She added that in her country, each class has one designated teacher, so she wasn't able to tell another teacher about her situation."After two months of that I realized that if I wanted him to stop I had to do it myself," the post read. "So when he started with his homophobic s**t at the cafeteria I started to remember the saddest thing I.