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Top 10 Nude Male Emmy Winners

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Via MrMan: Did you know that a number of actors actually got naked in their Emmy-winning roles? It’s true! The Emmys love a nude moment, and these guys are living proof.

The 2021 Emmy Awards will air Sunday night, so we’re celebrating the Emmys' legacy of hotness by rounding up the 10 nakedest scenes to ever win Emmy Awards ...

These include Yahya Abdul-Mateen II’s huge cock reveal in the acclaimed series Watchmen, Darren Criss’ achingly hot and smooth ass during a skinny-dipping scene on American Crime Story, Mark Ruffalo’s hairy daddy dick-stalk on I Know This Much Is True, and so much more!

You can see all of these scenes for free by heading to the page with the full videos HERE. So, which Emmy gives you a semi?   #10: Bryan Cranston

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