‘Pretty Woman’ (Courtesy photo) With this weather, it’s no surprise some theaters are shuffling their performances. In case you thought you were going to be making one of these particular shows, think again.
So far these theaters have announced closures or rescheduled upcoming dates due to the ice and snow. Theatre Three’s The Elephant Man: From Facebook: Wednesday’s Hooky Matinee (2/1) of “The Elephant Man” has been Cancelled due to inclement weather.
Our box office is reaching out to all ticket holders by phone. If you have tickets to tomorrow’s performance (February 1 at 2:30 PM) and are unable to answer the phone, please take a moment to e-mail our box office at boxoffice@theatre3dallas.com or call back at 214-871-3300 Ext.
1 so that we can get your tickets moved to another performance. Stay safe! Broadway Dallas’ Pretty Woman the Musical: From Facebook: Due to severe weather conditions in Dallas, tonight’s performance (Tuesday, January 31) of PRETTY WOMAN: THE MUSICAL has been canceled.