PartTimeMisanthrope—AnonymousDratini—HomoGreekorius—BurrSugar—failoutboy—qthulhue—zacswift21—Lettuphant—Sharktopus_—return2ozma—Avrin—please-disregard—crochetprozac—pm_me_ur_cats_toes—buffytheligmaslayer"In hindsight, I’d always been into guys; I just misinterpreted all my feelings of attraction as feelings of jealousy.
I’d see a hot guy and tell myself that I really wanted to look like him and that that was why I couldn’t stop staring. It made sense at the time, even though it sounds absurd in retrospect.
During that conversation, the realization that I had been in denial for years just hit me, and I knew I was gay."—Hexomin—trained_iceberg—[deleted]—NewSpinach—Traveler_0898—XD-NAV3—altonin—st_bart—En_svampNote: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.Not in the US?
My Fake Boyfriend is coming to Prime Video in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, LATAM, and Brazil on June 10, and all other territories on June 24..