Madonna and Rihanna among her many, many fans. They’ve even earned her a frequent guest spot on The Jennifer Hudson Show, where she regularly moves the American Idol alum host to tears.This year, Crimmins even released her debut single, “Shine,” a self-empowerment anthem inspired by her own journey coming out of the closet and out her shell, with a message she hopes everyone can relate to.So, to help start the New Year off right, we invited Crimmins into the hot seat to be the latest guest in our rapid-fire Q&A series, Dishin’ It.
In our conversation, the social media star reveals about which celebs have been all up in her mentions, shares which Southern queer bar changed her life, and opens up at the greatest lessons she’ learned from a decade of marriage.GD MERNTING!!Our ice-breaker: Is there a piece of media—whether a movie, TV series, book, album, theater, video game, etc…—that has played an important role in your own understanding of queerness and the queer community?Pariah would definitely be that movie that resonated most with me along with the iconic L Word.
Pariah stood out to me because I also grew up in a religious family where being “gay”—or sh*t just different in general—was definitely frowned upon.
I experienced the disdain from my mother who constantly tried to mold into the version of me that she wanted me to be, totally ignoring the person I actually was.