You can say I’m too young/You can say I’m too old/You can say I like girls or boys, whatever fits your mold.”Mendes went on to tell his audience last night, “The real truth about my life and sexuality is that, man I’m just figuring it out like everyone.”“I don’t really know sometimes and I know other times.
It feels really scary because we live in a society that has a lot to say about that. And I’m trying to be really brave and just allow myself to be a human and feel things.
And that’s all I really want to say about that for now.”Watch below.This is not the first time Mendes has spoken out about “intrusive” interest in his sexuality and feeling a pressure “to prove” he’s straight.In 2020 he spoke to The Guardian about a “desperation for me to come out as being gay, which is such a ridiculous thing.”“I got upset because I know people who are gay who haven’t come out yet and I know the suffering they experience because of that.
It’s just completely ignorant and insensitive of people to be on that sh*t,” he continued.When Mendes was asked about the rumors in 2018, he said: “I’d like to say I don’t care about it, but that’s not true.