transgender daughter to get bullied by classmates and physically assaulted by one of the students' cousin.Ronette Hinkson filed a case with the State Division of Human Rights on March 11 against the New York City Department of Education (DOE) and the W.H.
Maxwell Career and Technical Education High School after her 15-year-old daughter, identified as M.B., was beaten up after she received transphobic slurs and threats on social media."This vicious physical attack on a 15-year-old child would have been prevented had the Department of Education notified my client that her transgendered daughter was being bullied at school on account of gender identity" civil rights lawyer David H.
Rosenberg, who is representing Hinkson and her daughter told Newsweek on Friday.The complaint alleged "unlawful discriminatory practices relating to Human Rights Law because of discrimination on account of sex, gender identity, and retaliation for opposing discriminatory practices."The physical assault, which was caught on camera, happened on January 18 when M.B.
was leaving school, according to the lawsuit.A student's cousin referred to in the complaint as "King" repeatedly punched and slapped M.B.