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Joe Phillips on San Diego, sexy witch boy art and libido bubbles

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Double double, toil and trouble. Joe Phillips draws and libidos bubble.The San Diego-based artist started with a single bootylicious boylock riding on a broomstick.

Since then his Witch Boy series has conjured up a coven of queer occult cuties, featuring a full prism of diverse ethnicities, ages, and body types, which has garnered a cult following on social media.

As the reigning supreme of queer witchdom, we kiki-ed with Phillips about his art,  the once and future “nerd Mecca” of Comic Con, and the hottest hangouts of the Hillcrest gayborhood.Where did the idea for your Witch Boy series originate?It’s something that’s been in the back of my mind for a long time.

Read more on queerty.com
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