county Stonewall: Last News


Haresign steps down as president of Capital Stonewall Democrats

Michael Haresign, who was elected in January as president of the Capital Stonewall Democrats, one of D.C.’s largest local LGBTQ political groups, announced on Monday, Aug. 26, that he has resigned from the post due to an increase in time needed for his regular job that prevents him from devoting the time needed for Capital Stonewall Democrats.

All news where county Stonewall is mentioned

28.08 / 13:44
Election lgbtq President community prevention Volunteers Beyond Haresign steps down as president of Capital Stonewall Democrats
Michael Haresign, who was elected in January as president of the Capital Stonewall Democrats, one of D.C.’s largest local LGBTQ political groups, announced on Monday, Aug. 26, that he has resigned from the post due to an increase in time needed for his regular job that prevents him from devoting the time needed for Capital Stonewall Democrats.