Universities across the country are preparing for students to return to dorms and classrooms, and this year , as schools are faced with protecting student populations from spreading monkeypox, a number of institutions are taking various approaches.A student health clinic at the University of Tennessee Southern in Pulaski is educating and encouraging those who are vaccinated to seek medical attention.There is now a monkeypox resource page on the student health center’s website at the University of Memphis.According to Oak Ridger, Austin Peay State University is monitoring cases in the region and is ready to conduct emergency operations.
In addition, in the health centers at Middle Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, MPV tests are available if necessary.The University of Maryland, George Washington University, American University, and University of District of Columbia have all reported a few cases leading up to the start of a new school year, reports ABC affiliate WUSA.WUSA 9 cited information from GW, AU, Howard University, and the University of Maryland on their recommendations for students to prevent the spread.It is recommended that students who catch the virus wear masks when leaving their rooms, cover any lesions with clothing, and contact the university health center for further information.There are varying policies among some D.C.
schools regarding roommates who test positive for MPV.According to WUSA, Howard University plans to clean the room thoroughly and isolate the roommate.
According to GWU, they’re doing isolation in place so that roommates won’t be moving to different rooms – they’ll be forced to maintain their distance or devise a plan to isolate.