"Recognizing Adult ADHD: What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder," put it, 2020 is a "sad and scary year."On this week's Out in the Bay-Queer Radio, Kruse, a gay psychiatrist and neuroscience Ph.D.
in San Francisco, offers stress-reduction tips and helps demystify some of Trump's erratic behavior.A key tip: "Treat media like a medication.
Too much of it can be an overdose," advises Kruse. While it's good to be informed, he says resist doomscrolling and getting bogged down in analysis and projections.
As our society gets more ADHD-like, we "are scrambling at a superficial level to chase information," most of which he says is chatter. "Who's going to win the Georgia [U.S.