ABOVE: Two of my FAVORITES. BELOW: Keep reading for the sexy monkeypox czar, death of a HUAC rebel and more ... Maybe this is why gay men are fine with vaccines. (Image via social media) ADVOCATE: Biden's sexy gay monkeypox czar is NOT a Satanist.
He's just hot. EXTRATV: Charlie Cox. Just ... Charlie Cox. TWITTER: Everyone's a body language expert. THR: What do make of the unapologetically racist backlash to the new Lord of the Rings?
PEOPLE: Wow! Mighty Ducks star Shaun Weiss, whose meth plummet was sadly well-documented on social media, is two years sober.
GR8ERDAYS: Marsha Hunt was an incredible person. She was a movie star in the 1930s, was blacklisted in 1950 — which killed her film career — and had to switch to occasional TV roles, then devoted a huge part of her life to activism.