The men of BearDance saw a record year for their event. (Leo Cusimano/Dallas Voice) TBRU, BearDance hand out $140K to beneficiaries TAMMYE NASH | Managing Editor[email protected] Organizers with the 2022 Texas Bear Round-Up and with BearDance 2022 gathered Saturday, June 25, for the annual Dallas Bears awards dinner and to present donations to the groups’ 2022 beneficiaries.
This year, TBRU and BearDance joined resources to present a total of $140,000 to the Greg Dollgener Memorial AIDS Fund, Cathedral of Hope Benevolence Programs and AIN (Access and Information Network).
Outgoing Dallas Bears President Wayne Davis said this year saw the largest number of attendees in TBRU history, which resulted in the organization’s largest-ever amount in donations to beneficiaries.
BearDance, which is organized by a separate group but held each year in conjunction with TBRU, also saw a record number of attendees and a record donation amount.