Let me be clear: I cannot tell you with any certainty that this letter actually came from an “ordinary Russian gay guy.” What I can tell you is that it was emailed to me today (Friday, March 4) at 4:33 p.m.
central time. I can tell you there is a name attached to the email — a man’s name that “sounds Russian” (I am not publishing the name in case this is real, because I don’t want to put this person in more danger).
I can tell you that what the writer says in this email sounds legitimate based on what we know of life for LGBTQ people in Russia and Chechnya.
That said, I am going to reprint the email here, exactly as it was sent to me. Take it or leave it. But understand this: LGBTQ people in Russia live every day in danger, as do LGBTQ people in many other countries.