Tim Seelig Tim Seelig tells his ‘Tale of Two Tims’ in a new memoir out this week DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writertaffet@dallasvoice.com People who attended Turtle Creek Chorale concerts during the 20 years Tim Seelig was at the helm likely know snippets of his life.
For instance, they might know he was fired from the Baptist church he worked at in Houston. And they might know he was married to a woman and had two children.
They might know “the Cliff Notes version” of his life, Seelig said. But, he added, the reaction he’s gotten from those who were familiar with the personal tidbits he throws out to the audience from the stage and who have now read his new memoir, A Tale of Two Tims: Big Ol’ Baptist, Big Ol’ Gay, has been, “Oh my gosh.