#transgenre. Nous l'avons proposé dans la loi #bioéthique. #LREM s'y est tjrs opposé.https://t.co/f9F36keboKThe case has now been referred back to a lower court for a new hearing.‘Claire’ was born male and had two children in 2000 and 2004 with his wife.
In 2011 Claire was officially registered as female.Three years later, while she still had male reproductive organs, she had a third child with her partner, a girl.Since then, she has fought a legal battle to be recognised as the child’s second mother, not father.French law has no provision for such cases but in 2018 an appeals court in the city of Montpellier, southern France, granted her the status of “biological parent”: an unprecedented category in France.But on Wednesday the Cour de.