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Willie Nelson wanted to get “gay married” with Orville Peck in new video

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Orville Peck has revealed that his collaboration with Willie Nelson, ‘Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other’, was the country music legend’s idea.

Originally written by Latin country musician Ned Sublette in 1981, the satirical, tongue-in-cheek track explores the secret queer history of cowboys.

Known as the “famous gay cowboy song”, Nelson released a cover in 2006 following the success of Brokeback Mountain (2005) – his version made history as the first mainstream LGBTQIA+ country song by a major artist.

Peck recently told GLAAD that Nelson asked him to collaborate on a new version of ‘Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond of Each Other’ a “couple of years ago”: “It’s actually been a long time in the making, this whole collaboration”.

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