Note: There's no right or wrong time to come out as LGBTQ — every individual's experience is different, and it's important to honor everyone's journeys and what works best for them.Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.—whatevenisthis12"Having a gay son is literally one of the best things that's ever happened to me.
He jokes that he’s never even been in the closet, but acknowledges that almost all of his LGBTQ friends have had hard roads met with disapproval and sometimes even violence.
We’ve taken in a few of his friends who fled from bad situations, and we are honored to be considered a 'safe haven.'"—RiverM—Anonymous"No one made me feel invalid except myself — I didn't think I was actually trans because I didn't experience gender dysphoria as traumatically as my trans friends did.
I'd only ever known trans people who grew up in intolerant environments where they weren't free to express themselves. I still struggle with self-doubt, but I've realized that identifying as genderfluid means that the gender is FLUID!