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Heather Dubrow reveals her youngest child has come out as transgender

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transgender and goes by the name Ace. 'It’s International sons day!' the downsizing Real Housewives of Orange County star, 54, wrote. 'We love you, our youngest son, Ace ❤️'In marking the occasion, the actress posted a photo of the boy's chosen name written in the sand at the beach.   'Our job as parents is to give our kids a safe and supportive environment so they can grow up as healthy, happy, confident, independent humans,' she continued.

Heather then wrote about how she felt it was important to let Ace make his own way in finding out who he is.  'Since Ace is a 12 year old child, with a long life ahead of him — we will let him tell his own story someday if he chooses to do so.

All we can say is Ace, we love you so much and we are proud to be your parents. Your brother and sisters love and support you too ❤️'The revelation got lots of positive comments from Heather's fans. 'Every child should be able to experience the love and support you and your family are modeling as parents of LGBT children❤️❤️❤️. 'Another made reference to laws in other states banning gender affirming healthcare, writing, 'Love and acceptance.

Thank Gd you live in a state that allows Ace to receive whatever support he needs. ' A study released by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law in March 2022 indicated 300,000 American youths between the ages of 13 and 17 identified as transgender.

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